Get Billing Notices Info From Previous Days

Get Billing Notices Info From Previous Days

Sometimes the printed billing notices get ran, forgotten about, and then ran the next day which overwrites the PDF from the previous day(s). If you need to get the print billing notices from a previous day, this query will pull all you need to send the patron a snail mail notification.

    nh.PatronID AS [PatronID],
    p.Barcode AS [Patron Barcode],
    pr.PatronFullName AS [Patron Name],
    pr.PatronFirstLastName AS [Patron Mailing Name],
    adds.StreetOne AS [Street One],
    adds.StreetTwo AS [Street Two],
    pos.City AS [City],
    pos.State AS [State],
    pos.PostalCode AS [ZIP Code],
    cir.Barcode AS [Item Barcode],
    nh.Title AS [Item Title],
    CAST(nh.Amount AS MONEY) AS [Price],
    cir.LastDueDate AS [Due Date]

    Results.Polaris.NotificationHistory nh WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN -- Bring in the Patrons table so we can have a barcode
    Polaris.Polaris.Patrons p WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (p.PatronID = nh.PatronId)
INNER JOIN -- Bring in the PatronRegistration table so we can get patron info
    Polaris.Polaris.PatronRegistration pr WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (pr.PatronID = nh.PatronId)
INNER JOIN -- For patron addresses
    Polaris.Polaris.PatronAddresses pad WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (pad.PatronID = nh.PatronId)
INNER JOIN -- For patron addresses
    Polaris.Polaris.Addresses adds WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (pad.AddressID = adds.AddressID)
INNER JOIN -- For patron addresses
    Polaris.Polaris.PostalCodes pos WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (pos.PostalCodeID = adds.PostalCodeID)
INNER JOIN -- Get item record information
    Polaris.Polaris.CircItemRecords cir WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (cir.ItemRecordID = nh.ItemRecordId)
WHERE -- Change these dates as needed
    nh.NoticeDate BETWEEN '2022-11-08 00:00:00.000' AND '2022-11-08 23:59:59.999'
AND -- 11 = Bill
    nh.NotificationTypeID = 11
AND -- 1 = Print/Mail notification
    nh.DeliveryOptionId = 1