One of my libraries asked for a search to find items in a particular Lexile range. I couldn’t find anything to steal from, so I figured I would share what I put together.
This search relies on data being present in the 521$a with a “$b Lexile” It ignores all of the Lexile “prefix codes” and the converts the entire string to a number. The one exception is “BR” which acts as a negative. “BR100” should be interpreted in this query as “-100”.
Select distinct A.BibliographicRecordID
From (
Select BR.BibliographicRecordID,
try_cast(trim(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(BSa.Data,'L',''),'AD',''),'NC',''),'H',''),'IG',''),'GN',''),'BR','-'),'NP','')) as int) AS Lexile
From Polaris.BibliographicREcords BR
JOIN Polaris.BibliographicTags BT
ON BR.BibliographicRecordID = Bt.BibliographicRecordID
AND BT.TagNumber = 521
JOIN Polaris.BibliographicSubfields BSa
ON BT.BibliographicTagID = BSa.BibliographicTagID
AND BSa.Subfield = 'a'
JOIN Polaris.BibliographicSubfields BSb
ON BT.BibliographicTagID = BSb.BibliographicTagID
AND BSb.Subfield = 'b'
JOIN Polaris.CircItemRecords CIR
ON CIR.AssociatedBibRecordID = BR.BibliographicRecordID
AND CIR.RecordStatusID = 1
AND CIR.AssignedBranchID IN (15,16,17)
WHERE A.Lexile between 400 and 495
Staff can copy/paste this to a Bib Find Tool.
- Change the last line to the correct lexile range
- Change the 4th line from the bottom - “AssignedBranchID IN (…)” or remove it altogether.