This SQL can be used in the Item Find Tool to help you find high priced items that could throw off the You Saved amounts in patron accounts. A common mistake is when an ISBN number or Item barcode gets scanned into the price field. Because Polaris does not enforce a maximum price that data is accepted and used when that item circulates.
If you’d like to see a maximum price setting added to Polaris, consider voting for that feature.
SELECT ird.ItemRecordID
FROM Polaris.Polaris.ItemRecordDetails ird
JOIN Polaris.Polaris.CircItemRecords cir ON ird.ItemRecordID = cir.ItemRecordID
JOIN Polaris.Polaris.Organizations o ON cir.AssignedBranchID = o.OrganizationID
WHERE ird.Price > 500 --adjust dollar amount as needed
AND cir.NonCirculating = 0 --only look for CIRCULATING items, withOUT the non-circulating checkmark
AND cir.RecordStatusID <> 4 --exclude item records with a deleted record status
AND cir.ItemStatusID NOT IN (3, 11, 13, 17) --exclude Out-ILL, Withdrawn, On-Order, Returned-ILL
--AND cir.MaterialTypeID NOT IN (); --uncomment and add a commas separated list of material type ids you might want to exclude, like reference, ebooks, etc.
You could also build up a Power Search that could accomplish something similar: