Find high priced item records

This SQL can be used in the Item Find Tool to help you find high priced items that could throw off the You Saved amounts in patron accounts. A common mistake is when an ISBN number or Item barcode gets scanned into the price field. Because Polaris does not enforce a maximum price that data is accepted and used when that item circulates.

If you’d like to see a maximum price setting added to Polaris, consider voting for that feature.

SELECT ird.ItemRecordID
FROM Polaris.Polaris.ItemRecordDetails ird
JOIN Polaris.Polaris.CircItemRecords cir ON ird.ItemRecordID = cir.ItemRecordID
JOIN Polaris.Polaris.Organizations o ON cir.AssignedBranchID = o.OrganizationID
WHERE ird.Price > 500 --adjust dollar amount as needed
  AND cir.NonCirculating = 0 --only look for CIRCULATING items, withOUT the non-circulating checkmark
  AND cir.RecordStatusID <> 4 --exclude item records with a deleted record status
  AND cir.ItemStatusID NOT IN (3, 11, 13, 17) --exclude Out-ILL, Withdrawn, On-Order, Returned-ILL
  --AND cir.MaterialTypeID NOT IN (); --uncomment and add a commas separated list of material type ids you might want to exclude, like reference, ebooks, etc.

You could also build up a Power Search that could accomplish something similar: