February IUG Zoom Forums: I'm a New ILS Administrator

New ILS administrators, this one is for you! Register now and join us on February 16th (1 p,m. Eastern for Sierra, 3 p.m. for Polaris) to commiserate, celebrate, share tips and tricks, ask questions, and -most importantly - get to know some pretty awesome folks who are here to walk this path with you. Been an ILS admin for a while? Come share some wisdom and maybe pick up a new trick or two yourself!

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Reminder, that we have Zoom Forums available to IUG members tomorrow 2/16/2023.

  • :arrow_forward: Register now
    • 1 pm. Eastern for Sierra
    • 3 p.m. Eastern for Polaris

Sorry, the original post had the date wrong, it should have been read tomorrow 2/16/2023. Sorry for any confusion and I’ve updated the original post.