Program Title: Exploring Aspen Discovery
ILS: General
Program Description: Two public libraries discuss their experiences implementing hosted Aspen Discovery. We’ll start with the selection process, through the data loading (and side loads), configuration, and staff and patron training. Learn what indexing and searching benefits you’ll gain, FRBRized record grouping, and what work-around processes you’ll be able to stop. Hear about the magic of APIs connections and vendors that work/play well with Aspen, and the included mobile app, Aspen LiDA.
Speaker/ Information: Pam Skittino ( - Head of Support Services, Deerfield Public Library
Tim Mayse-Lillig ( - Librarian/Cataloger, Helen Plum Library
Alex Vancina ( - Technology & Metadata Services Manager, Helen Plum Library
Exploring_Aspen_Discovery.pdf (3.3 MB)