Disappearing Record Mystery

So, we’ve only had this happen twice so far but it’s got me and our site manager a little stumped. Twice we’ve had records (bib and item) completely deleted from our system despite have Bibs and Items flagged for retention in our System settings.

Both staff members this happened to use Leap exclusively. Digging into the transaction logs in both cases and the records were marked for delete and deleted within seconds from one another. The whole process (10 items and 1 bib) were completely deleted in less than two minutes. I’m not sure how to replicate that in Leap.

I’ve tested the normal deletion methods via Leap (Item, Bib, and via Record Set) but in each instance everything worked as it’s supposed to. Is anyone aware of any processes or workforms on the Leap side that might produce this behavior? Background processing is my next stop to dig around in.

Perhaps the library mistakenly imported a bib with the LDR 05 set as “d.” That would delete the items and bibs.

I thought of this too. Except the Bib record was uploaded the day before the deletion occurred. I’ll probably try to dig some more into transacations later.