Hello All,
At the Jacksonville Public Library, students can have both a student card attached to their student email/school and a regular library card separate from their student account that uses their personal email or phone number. Because of this, we allow duplicates. Is there a way to bypass duplicate detection for the “PatronRegistrationCreate Version 2” and " PatronRegistrationUpdate Version 2" endpoints?
Below is an example of the call I am making. Note that identifying info is redacted with “XXXXXX”. Below is an attempt to update a student record which gets blocked because the student has two patron records with the same name/birthday:
URL: https://jaxpl-training.polarislibrary.com/papiservice/REST/public/v2/1033/100/1/patron/XXXXX?ignoresa=true
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FreeTextLabel>School (K-12 Student Only)</FreeTextLabel>
Thank you!
-Somalia (Jacksonville Public Library)