Delete Import Jobs Older Than 90 Days

Delete Import Jobs Older Than 90 Days

This query looks for import jobs older than 90 days and then passes them on to the Cat_DeleteImportJob sproc for processing. In short, it deletes import jobs older than 90 days.

Contributed by: Kelly Hock - CLCOhio

DECLARE @jobid int

declare cur CURSOR LOCAL for
    select ij.ImportJobID 
    from Polaris.polaris.ImportJobs ij
    where ij.ImportJobSubmittedDate < dateadd(day, -90, getdate())

open cur
fetch next from cur into @jobid
    exec Polaris.Polaris.Cat_DeleteImportJob @jobid
    fetch next from cur into @jobid

close cur
deallocate cur
select 'done' [status]