Circ by Patrons Acting Outside Their Assigned Branch

Circ by Patrons Acting Outside Their Assigned Branch

This query looks at the checkout activity for patrons acting outside their assigned branches. In other words, a patron from Branch A goes and checks out from Branch B, that’d be counted in this query. We exclude the patron’s branch as the transacting branch and then see where their other checkouts are happening.

-- Let's work with a subset of data right from the start. Because there could be a *lot* of data involved.
-- Create a temp table to hold the specific check out transactions we need.
CREATE TABLE #TempOutsideCirc (
    TransactionID INT

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

-- Populate that temp table
INSERT INTO #TempOutsideCirc

    PolarisTransactions.Polaris.TransactionHeaders th WITH (NOLOCK)

INNER JOIN -- Get the patron's assigned branch
    PolarisTransactions.Polaris.TransactionDetails pab WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (th.TransactionID = pab.TransactionID AND pab.TransactionSubTypeID = 123)

WHERE -- We don't want checkouts from this branch (see below). This number should match the one(s) below.
    th.OrganizationID NOT IN (28)
AND -- We only want patrons from this branch, not the check outs. This number should match the one(s) above
    pab.numValue = 28
AND -- Check outs
    th.TransactionTypeID = 6001
AND -- Adjust your dates accordingly
    th.TranClientDate BETWEEN '2022-04-01 00:00:00.000' AND '2022-04-30 23:59:59.999';

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

    o.Name AS [Library / Branch],
    mat.Description AS [Material Type],
    COUNT(DISTINCT th.TransactionID) AS [Circ Count]

    PolarisTransactions.Polaris.TransactionHeaders th WITH (NOLOCK)

INNER JOIN -- Get the Material Type ID
    PolarisTransactions.Polaris.TransactionDetails material WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (th.TransactionID = material.TransactionID AND material.TransactionSubTypeID = 4)
INNER JOIN -- Match the Material Type ID to a description
    Polaris.Polaris.MaterialTypes mat WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (mat.MaterialTypeID = material.numValue)
INNER JOIN -- Get branch names
    Polaris.Polaris.Organizations o WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON (o.OrganizationID = th.OrganizationID)

WHERE -- Pull the data in from our temp table
    th.TransactionID IN (SELECT TransactionID FROM #TempOutsideCirc)


-- Tidy up
DROP TABLE #TempOutsideCirc;