Call number field in item record

We are transitioning to a new discovery layer, and it has caused us to really dig into what our member libraries are doing with call numbers in the item record (we use the MARC 082 field).

I’d love to hear from folks who:

  • do not use or selectively use the |f in 082 field in item records and why/what the outcome is
  • use the |v in 082 field in item records and why/what the outcome is

Thank you!


I’ve found that it can be difficult to get the subfields right because you have to use subfields that your discovery system will display the way you want, and your spine label printing system will understand. Both of them can be inflexible. I’ve had to change subfields that worked for spine label printing because I realized the discovery system didn’t use the same subfield. On one Sierra tenant we have pre-stamps in |d, class number in |a, cutter in |b, and volume in |e. Our other Sierra tenant has pre-stamps in |f, class in |a, cutter in |b, and volume in |k.

As long as both your printing system and discovery display understand where you have the data, it should work. Hopefully, one or both of those systems is flexible enough that you can make it work.

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