Created in 2007, the Beacon Award honors a member who shows exceptional service to the IUG community through presentations, collaborations, sage advice to others, and selfless dedication.
If you know someone who has the above qualities, nominate them for the award! Send me a direct email ( with the following details:
Nominee Name
Nominee’s Library
Nomination statement (200 words or less)
The nomination may be submitted directly in an email text or as an attached Word or PDF document. It should highlight the nominee’s contribution to the IUG community through conferences, meetings, services, and assistance via the IUG list, and why this person is worthy of the award. The award is designed to honor long-term support of the Innovative community.
The Beacon Award Committee will consider all nominations, and the recipient will be announced at IUG 2023. More details about the award along with a list of previous winners can be found at the IUG website, by following the link listed below:
The deadline for nominations is March 15, 2023