IUG 2025 is now less than 2 months away!
Reading up on Denver recently, which I’ll be visiting for the first time, I learned that last spring, they faced an infestation of destructive Mormon crickets that honestly sounded pretty darn unpleasant. I’ll be moderating the Sierra Circulation Forum & hearing crickets there, or in any Sierra forum, is also less than ideal!
With that in mind, I’d love to get a jump start on topics for discussion. Please e-mail me at shawn.farrell@chpl.org with any questions you might have for the larger group, & I’ll make sure that those are addressed. Beyond questions you may have & challenges you may be facing, I think those attending would also love to hear of your success stories, recent projects, implementations, & other circulation-related victories, if you’re willing to share those as well.
Thanks in advance!