Aggregated Hourly Circ Counts by Day of the Week

If you need to know your busiest circulation hours for the week, then this query will help. It pulls circulation data for a set time period and then breaks that down for every hour of every day of the week, aggregated over the time period. So if you run this query for a two month time span, you’ll find out what your circ was like on given hours, on given days, over that timespan.

    o.Name AS [Branch / Library],
    DATENAME(dw, th.TranClientDate) AS [Day],
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 0 THEN '12AM-1AM'
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 1 THEN '1AM-2AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 2 THEN '2AM-3AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 3 THEN '3AM-4AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 4 THEN '4AM-5AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 5 THEN '5AM-6AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 6 THEN '6AM-7AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 7 THEN '7AM-8AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 8 THEN '8AM-9AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 9 THEN '9AM-10AM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 10 THEN '10AM-11AM'
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 11 THEN '11AM-12PM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 12 THEN '12PM-1PM'
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 13 THEN '1PM-2PM'
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 14 THEN '2PM-3PM'
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 15 THEN '3PM-4PM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 16 THEN '4PM-5PM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 17 THEN '5PM-6PM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 18 THEN '6PM-7PM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 19 THEN '7PM-8PM' 
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 20 THEN '8PM-9PM'
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 21 THEN '9PM-10PM'
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 22 THEN '10PM-11PM'
        WHEN DATEPART(hh,th.TranClientDate) = 23 THEN '11PM-12AM' 
    END AS [Hours],
    COUNT(DISTINCT th.transactionid) AS [Total Circ]

    PolarisTransactions.Polaris.TransactionHeaders th WITH (NOLOCK)

INNER JOIN -- Get the organization names
    Polaris.Polaris.Organizations o (nolock) 
    ON (th.OrganizationID = o.OrganizationID)

WHERE -- Checkouts
    th.TransactionTypeID = 6001
AND -- Adjust dates as needed
    th.TranClientDate BETWEEN '2023-06-01 00:00:00' AND '2023-08-31 23:59:59'
AND -- Adjust organizations as needed
    th.OrganizationID IN (2,3,4)

    DATENAME(dw, th.TranClientDate),
    DATENAME(dw, th.TranClientDate)