USE [Polaris] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [Polaris].[SILS_RPT_ClosedBranches] Script Date: 18/03/2021 2:31:09 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: Jason Tenter -- Create date: 2020-08-06 -- Description: A report tracking details managed for branches remaining or temporarily closed during the C19 pandemic -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [Polaris].[SILS_RPT_ClosedBranches] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; CREATE TABLE #LibList (OrganizationID int, ParentOrganizationID int, OrganizationCodeID int) INSERT INTO #LibList SELECT o.OrganizationID, o.ParentOrganizationID, o.OrganizationCodeID FROM Polaris.Organizations o (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN Polaris.SILS_ClosedBranch_List cb on o.OrganizationID = cb.OrganizationID and cb.OrganizationCodeID = 3 and cb.Exception != 1 LEFT JOIN Polaris.SILS_ClosedBranch_List cbe -- Exceptions on o.OrganizationID = cbe.OrganizationID and cbe.OrganizationCodeID = 3 and cbe.Exception = 1 WHERE o.OrganizationCodeID = 3 AND cbe.OrganizationID is NULL AND not like '%- PAC' AND not like '%- Online' AND (cb.OrganizationID is not null OR o.ParentOrganizationID IN (SELECT cb.OrganizationID FROM Polaris.SILS_ClosedBranch_List cb WHERE cb.OrganizationCodeID = 2 )) -- History for finding and counting hold inactivations CREATE TABLE #HoldList (SysHoldRequestID int, PickupBranchID int) -- Daily history, then earlier history if there wasn't an update today INSERT INTO #HoldList SELECT shr.SysHoldRequestID, shr.PickupBranchID FROM Polaris.SysHoldRequests shr (nolock) INNER JOIN Polaris.SILS_Hold_Inactivations hi on shr.SysHoldRequestID = hi.SysholdrequestID WHERE shr.SysHoldStatusID = 1 and hi.DateRestored is null GROUP BY shr.SysHoldRequestID, shr.PickupBranchID CREATE TABLE #Settings ( OrganizationID int, HoldInactivation bit, HoldUntilDates bit, DueDates bit, HoldRouting bit ) INSERT INTO #Settings SELECT ll.OrganizationID, cb.HoldInactivation, cb.HoldUntilDates, cb.DueDates, cb.DatesClosed FROM #LibList ll (nolock) INNER JOIN Polaris.SILS_ClosedBranch_List cb (nolock) on ll.OrganizationID = cb.OrganizationID INSERT INTO #Settings SELECT ll.OrganizationID, cbp.HoldInactivation, cbp.HoldUntilDates, cbp.DueDates, cbp.DatesClosed FROM #LibList ll (nolock) INNER JOIN Polaris.SILS_ClosedBranch_List cbp (nolock) on ll.ParentOrganizationID = cbp.OrganizationID CREATE TABLE #Checkouts ( OrganizationID int, Checkouts int, EarliestDueDate datetime ) INSERT INTO #Checkouts SELECT ll.OrganizationID, ISNULL(Count(DISTINCT ic.ItemRecordID),0) Checkouts, MIN(ic.DueDate) EarliestDueDate FROM #LibList ll (nolock) LEFT JOIN Polaris.ItemCheckouts ic (nolock) on ll.OrganizationID = ic.OrganizationID and ic.duedate > '2020-03-01' GROUP BY ll.OrganizationID CREATE TABLE #HeldHolds ( OrganizationID int, HeldHolds int, EarliestUnclaimedDate datetime ) INSERT INTO #HeldHolds SELECT ll.OrganizationID, ISNULL(COUNT(DISTINCT shrh.SysHoldRequestID),0) HeldHolds, MIN(shrh.HoldTillDate) EarliestUnclaimedDate FROM #LibList ll (nolock) LEFT JOIN Polaris.SysHoldRequests shrh (nolock) -- held holds on ll.OrganizationID = shrh.PickupBranchID and shrh.SysHoldStatusID = 6 GROUP BY ll.OrganizationID SELECT o.OrganizationID, o.Name, s.HoldInactivation, s.HoldUntilDates, s.DueDates, s.HoldRouting, co.Checkouts, co.EarliestDueDate, hh.HeldHolds, hh.EarliestUnclaimedDate, ISNULL(count(distinct hl.SysHoldRequestID),0) InactiveHolds, CASE WHEN h.Value = 'MONCLOSED,TUECLOSED,WEDCLOSED,THUCLOSED,FRICLOSED,SATCLOSED,SUNCLOSED' then 'Closed' ELSE '' END AS BranchClosed FROM #LibList ll (nolock) INNER JOIN polaris.Organizations o (nolock) on o.OrganizationID = ll.OrganizationID LEFT JOIN #Settings s on ll.OrganizationID = s.OrganizationID left join polaris.polaris.OrganizationsPPPP h (nolock) on h.OrganizationID = ll.OrganizationID and h.AttrID = 96 LEFT JOIN #HeldHolds hh (nolock) -- held holds on ll.OrganizationID = hh.OrganizationID LEFT JOIN #Checkouts co on ll.OrganizationID = co.OrganizationID LEFT JOIN #HoldList hl -- Inactive holds on ll.OrganizationID = hl.PickupBranchID GROUP BY o.OrganizationID, o.Name, s.HoldInactivation, s.HoldUntilDates, s.DueDates, s.HoldRouting, co.Checkouts, co.EarliestDueDate, hh.HeldHolds, hh.EarliestUnclaimedDate, CASE WHEN h.Value = 'MONCLOSED,TUECLOSED,WEDCLOSED,THUCLOSED,FRICLOSED,SATCLOSED,SUNCLOSED' then 'Closed' ELSE '' END ORDER BY o.Name DROP TABLE #LibList DROP TABLE #HoldList DROP TABLE #Settings DROP TABLE #Checkouts DROP TABLE #HeldHolds END