13:02:21 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Thank you Wes! 13:02:31 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: I appreciate that. 🙂 13:09:13 From Wes Osborn - CLC To Everyone: If anyone needs to dial in 13:14:53 From Kim Allen To Everyone: https://github.com/UNC-Libraries/III-Sierra-SQL/wiki 13:15:13 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Reacted to "https://github.com/U..." with 💜 13:15:14 From Kim Allen To Everyone: I help maintain it 13:15:17 From Wes Osborn - CLC To Everyone: Reacted to "https://github.com/U..." with 💜 13:15:46 From Ray To Everyone: I've had this one for a while that some "claim" to have found useful 
https://github.com/plch/sierra-sql/wiki 13:16:01 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Reacted to "I've had this one fo..." with 💜 13:16:07 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: Replying to "I've had this one fo..." coming in with the Serials jokes! 13:16:50 From Kim Allen To Everyone: Reacted to "I've had this one fo..." with 💜 13:17:32 From Victor Zuniga To Everyone: Reacted to "I've had this one fo..." with 💜 13:18:27 From Wes Osborn - CLC To Everyone: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_intro.asp 13:18:28 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: Replying to "Screenshot2023_12_21_130911.jpg" I need more information to connect, like a numeric meeting password. The tel version of "iugforum" didn't work. Help! 13:18:48 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: Replying to "Screenshot2023_12_21_130911.jpg" ...connect via phone, that is. 13:19:25 From Katie LeBlanc - CMPL To Everyone: Working on ours now while in this zoom lol 13:19:50 From Ann-LLC To Everyone: Library Carpentry has some good intro level tutorials: https://librarycarpentry.org/lessons/ 13:19:57 From Amy M, WCCLS To Everyone: Reacted to "Library Carpentry ha..." with 👍 13:21:22 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: ISNULL(value,replacement) 13:21:29 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: at least for t-sql 13:21:47 From Katie LeBlanc - CMPL To Everyone: Its both. 13:22:22 From Victor Zuniga To Everyone: Looking forward to your presentation, Derek! I'll be doing a presentation based on our experience migrating to AWS. 13:22:44 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: nested IF statement? 13:23:39 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "Looking forward to y..." 😍 Love it! 13:24:39 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: yeah, you should be able to do all AND clauses in WHERE 13:25:22 From kjohnston To Everyone: Create a helper column that aggregates all the columns then check for null in the helper column. 13:25:42 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Reacted to "Create a helper colu..." with 👍🏻 13:26:20 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: Or LEN(CONCAT(all the values)) < '1' 13:26:24 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "Create a helper colu..." Would you mind explaining that by voice? 13:26:36 From kjohnston To Everyone: Reacted to "Or LEN(CONCAT(all th..." with 👍 13:27:02 From kjohnston To Everyone: Reacted to "Would you mind expla..." with 👍 13:27:20 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Be right back, work call. 13:27:27 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "Be right back, work ..." with 👍 13:30:06 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: I've definitely used chatgpt / bard, and had success even if it does mean a little bit of feedback via "that doesn't work" or "can you comment the code" and "that isn't doing what I want, can you help me change this to that:?" 13:30:19 From Rich To Everyone: I have had good success with Chat-GPT/Bing Chat in working with T-SQL queries. Patience and skepticism definetly req'd though! 13:30:27 From Bill Taylor To Everyone: Could you do a screenshare and show us what it looks like? 13:30:39 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: Reacted to "Could you do a scree..." with 👍 13:30:55 From Renee P To Everyone: I hear it can sometimes be better at debugging than writing. Once you get code from it, turn around and put the code back in and ask it to debug it. 13:31:08 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: Reacted to "I hear it can someti..." with 👍 13:31:49 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: Having it explain what a query does can be really helpful. I've seen people using it for that successfully 13:32:36 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: we have copilot (microsoft) so we have data security protection with that; I haven't done sql with it but it definitely seemed less helpful with copywriting help 13:33:29 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: yeah, it's WAY better than some human experts. LOL 13:34:06 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "yeah, it's WAY bette..." with 😂 13:34:11 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "we have copilot (mic..." with 👍 13:34:17 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "I hear it can someti..." with 👍 13:34:18 From Ray To Everyone: Reacted to "we have copilot (mic..." with 👍 13:35:20 From Ann-LLC To Everyone: Reacted to "Library Carpentry ha..." with 👍 13:36:43 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: Does anyone else have variable query response time with postgres against Sierra? I have a "new books query" i wrote and some times it takes 5 seconds, and then other days it takes 14 seconds, with no discernable difference in system utilization, and then the next day its down to 5 seconds again. I was trying to find a balance between table joins and sub-queries and couldn't really find a performance difference 13:37:31 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "Does anyone else hav..." Thanks Justin. I'll ask this when the discussion opens up unless you want to ask it on voice 13:38:08 From kjohnston To Everyone: Replying to "Does anyone else hav..." Yes. I have a monthly report I run and it times out and fails every few months. 13:38:54 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: Replying to "Does anyone else hav..." I figured i was maybe between re-indexing tasks and was hitting poor performance from that 13:39:59 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: yeah, only one person can share at at time, but everyone in this room has permission to share 13:40:08 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "yeah, only one perso..." Thanks Trevor! 13:43:08 From Julie Cole To Everyone: Replying to "Does anyone else hav..." I haven't measured it to any degree but I have a new books query and there are more books sometimes than others, could that be affecting it? We are a pretty small library so that may have a larger impact for us. 13:43:30 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: CTEs or Common Table Expressions are great for exploratory queries, building up subqueries individually and examining the output, then joining them together later in the final larger query. 13:46:05 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "CTEs or Common Table..." with 👍 13:46:49 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: Reacted to "CTEs or Common Table..." with 👍 13:48:06 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: Replying to "Does anyone else hav..." I haven't done a full analysis but its normally 480-520 in the last 90 days so i don't think that could account for 3x the time 13:48:19 From Julie Cole To Everyone: Reacted to "I haven't done a ful..." with 👍 13:48:49 From Izzy Oneiric, NOPL To Everyone: Reacted to "CTEs or Common Tab..." with 👍 13:48:51 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Just to throw it out there, I pay for ChatGPT too and I actually feel like I’m getting my money’s worth both through the informational and educational stuff and the occasional entertainment value. 13:48:52 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: Confirmed. People who have free ChatGPT accounts can edit their previous prompts (I just created an account) 13:49:06 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "Just to throw it out..." with 😂 13:49:13 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "Confirmed. People w..." with ❤️ 13:49:16 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "Confirmed. People w..." Nice! 13:49:44 From Izzy Oneiric, NOPL To Everyone: Bard is free and I'm pretty satisfied with the results I've gotten playing around with it. ☺️ 13:49:49 From Rich To Everyone: bing chat (enterprise) is using 100% GPT-4 in 'creative' and 'precise' mode, and a combination of models if you leave it in default 'balanced' mode 13:50:28 From Victor Zuniga To Everyone: Reacted to "Confirmed. People w..." with ❤️ 13:50:55 From Julie Cole To Everyone: Replying to "Does anyone else hav..." I don't monitor our utilization much although I have access to our on premise servers, but our IT has Nagios monitor our servers and the DB server spikes to 100% quite often and when I submitted a ticket iii had no idea why. Although I get it is hard to diagnose when it is not actively happening. 13:51:02 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: if you can upload files...I wonder if you could upload the chm file? 13:51:27 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "I don't monitor our ..." with 😳 13:52:11 From Wes Osborn - CLC To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." Yes… but I’ve tried and Chatgpt won’t ingest the Polaris database help file. Its too big. 13:53:26 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." Please explain the rubber duck metaphor. 13:53:43 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: That’s been a big help to me, the performance help. I can often write something that works, but it’s nice to have something that works *well.* 13:53:56 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." You put a rubber duck on your desk, and explain your code to it. 13:53:57 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Reacted to "That’s been a big he..." with 👍🏻 13:53:57 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." pretend you had to explain the problem to a rubber duck 13:54:06 From Ray To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging

the old "trick" was to explain your bug to a rubber duck :-) 13:54:37 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." Yes, the rubber duck isn’t going to know what you’re talking about, just by talking about what you’re doing, you can often see your code from another angle and solve your own problems. 🙂 13:54:55 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." I’ve also heard it called Teddy Bear Programming. 13:55:00 From Wes Osborn - CLC To Everyone: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/performance/monitoring-performance-by-using-the-query-store?view=sql-server-ver16 13:55:14 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Reacted to "I’ve also heard it c..." with ❤️ 13:55:26 From Ray To Everyone: Reacted to "I’ve also heard it c..." with 😂 13:55:57 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." Our local (Greater Cleveland) SQL Server group has excellent meetups on topics like Querystore and performance analysis. See Ohio North Database Training on meetup.com 13:56:22 From Izzy Oneiric, NOPL To Everyone: Reacted to "I’ve also heard i..." with 😂 13:56:25 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: That's why back in the day we used to call those people in techs as Wizards and Priests... the living soul that is a database and it's crankiness. 13:56:54 From IUG Steering Committee To Everyone: Does it have to be the end? 13:57:17 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: I’ve worked with a few libraries where they created separate databases with tables from their production side, just so they could query those instead of live tables that might be changing. It’s incredibly useful. 13:57:36 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "I’ve worked with a f..." Thanks an awesome idea 13:57:39 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "I’ve worked with a f..." with ❤️ 13:57:51 From Victor Zuniga To Everyone: Reacted to "I’ve worked with a f..." with ❤️ 13:58:01 From Ray To Everyone: a pattern i've found to be very useful is this idea of taking "snapshots" of things like the collection, and then loading the data into an SQLite database

There's a VERY awesome piece of software called Datasette where you can utilize SQLite

You can see an application of this here
https://collection-analysis.cincy.pl/ 13:58:03 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: Replying to "I’ve worked with a f..." just give prod ALL THE RAM 13:58:07 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: You can also use it to track changes over time that aren’t always easy to track from the Polaris/Transactions/Results. 13:58:24 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Reacted to "a pattern i've found..." with 💜 13:58:53 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: I have literally dumped CSV exports from Polaris into SQLite just so I could play with it without any fear. 13:59:16 From Izzy Oneiric, NOPL To Everyone: Reacted to "I have literally d..." with 😎 13:59:58 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: https://www.meetup.com/ohio-north-database-training/ 14:00:04 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: We are looking at migrating away from our on-premise Polaris environment and one of the solutions as a hosted environment that we are looking at is a training server that is updated nightly for the playground. 14:00:17 From Julie Cole To Everyone: Ray's rough scripts would be the equivalent of my best ones 14:00:23 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: Replying to "if you can upload fi..." https://www.meetup.com/ohio-north-database-training/ 14:00:36 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "We are looking at mi..." I rarely am writing to our SQL database outside of temp tables or custom tables. 14:00:50 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "Our local (Greater C..." with ❤️ 14:01:12 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "Ray's rough scripts ..." with 😂 14:01:17 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Reacted to "Ray's rough scripts ..." with 😂 14:01:26 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "Ray's rough scripts ..." I know that exact feeling 14:01:34 From Kim Allen To Everyone: Reacted to "Ray's rough scripts ..." with 😂 14:04:10 From Ray To Everyone: Reacted to "Ray's rough scripts ..." with 😂 14:06:02 From Wes Osborn - CLC To Rochester Hills Public Library(Privately): I’ve got another screen share I could do. 14:07:56 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: Sierra using Views for all access seems like it made some of the "what is it doing" somewhat obscured but maybe I wasn't looking hard enough 14:08:14 From Julie Cole To Everyone: Reacted to "Sierra using Views f..." with 👍 14:08:18 From Victor Zuniga To Everyone: Reacted to "Sierra using Views f..." with 👍 14:12:27 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: There is never a topic to large! 14:13:37 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: I recently connected to and started querying against the TNS MySQL database used for phone notifications. It is a simple 2-table db which is easily opened using the MySQL Workbench client. Use port 1031 (or is it 1032?) u=tnspc/p=tnspc. 14:14:15 From Justin Newcomer (Rochester Institute of Technology) To Everyone: I don't have Polaris, but I have MSSQL for other things, and I use IderaDM to help look at database performance / index fragmentation / etc, and its pretty great via gui even if its probably all things that could be via command lines/scripts 14:15:21 From Wes Osborn - CLC To Everyone: A possible recommended service to help check your Polaris database service: https://www.brentozar.com/sql-constantcare/ 14:15:50 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "A possible recommend..." with 👍 14:15:57 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "I don't have Polaris..." with 👍 14:15:59 From Ray To Everyone: here's a thing we put together a few years ago for making sure you're working indexes correctly (for Sierra / postgresql)

https://github.com/iug2019-sql/iug2019-sql.github.io/blob/master/tips_and_tricks.md#using-indexes-effectively 14:16:06 From Wes Osborn - CLC To Everyone: You can also do this for free: https://www.brentozar.com/blitz/ 14:16:14 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "here's a thing we pu..." with 👍 14:16:20 From Rich To Everyone: I have to go but wanted to say thanks for the discussion and sharing great resources. First time joining in here, I will plan on participating again! 14:16:32 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Reacted to "I have to go but wan..." with ❤️ 14:16:35 From Ray To Everyone: Reacted to "I have to go but wan..." with ❤️ 14:16:39 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: Replying to "I have to go but wan..." See you again Rich! 14:18:12 From Bob Gaydos To Everyone: https://sqlsaturday.com/ 14:18:25 From Ray To Everyone: oh, here's some of the scripts i use to export from Sierra into an SQLite database
https://github.com/cincinnatilibrary/collection-analysis-datasette/blob/main/gen_collection_analysis_db.ipynb 14:18:42 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: I will save the chat to post afterwards 14:19:12 From Victor Zuniga To Everyone: Reacted to "I will save the chat..." with 👍 14:19:16 From Ray To Everyone: Reacted to "I will save the chat..." with 👍 14:19:27 From Victor Zuniga To Everyone: Reacted to "oh, here's some of t..." with 👍 14:19:27 From Julie Cole To Everyone: Reacted to "I will save the chat..." with 👏 14:19:57 From Daniel Messer To Everyone: Reacted to "oh, here's some of t..." with 👍 14:19:59 From Julie Cole To Everyone: Replying to "I will save the chat..." Thanks, I keep cutting and pasting. lol 14:20:02 From Rochester Hills Public Library To Everyone: I'll make sure to post it in the IUG Forum that way we all have access to it in the future. 14:20:07 From Ray To Everyone: i will say that i probably wouldn't do it this way if i were starting over today :-) 14:20:19 From Izzy Oneiric, NOPL To Everyone: Reacted to "I'll make sure to ..." with 👍 14:21:20 From Victor Zuniga To Everyone: Thanks! Great conversation. 14:21:27 From Alison Hoffman To Everyone: Thanks so much 14:21:36 From Izzy Oneiric, NOPL To Everyone: Thanks everyone, great discussion! 14:21:36 From Ray To Everyone: Thank you!