12:58:08 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Good afternoon everyone! (or morning for some of you) 12:58:17 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: https://www.innovativeusers.org/resources/monthly-iug-forum/ 12:58:25 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Also friendly reminder about future IUG forum sessions 13:02:41 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Feel free to ask any questions here on chat or please let me know if you'd like to ask a question by voice! 13:04:13 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: Just a compliment on Vega Home Page - we love it. We lost it briefly (quickly restored) and staff realized how much we appreciate having that additional promotional space. Vega (and social media) is where are patrons are (vs. our website), so we're seeing more awareness of services/materials we are promoting on Vega home page. 13:04:45 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Reacted to "Just a compliment on..." with ❤️ 13:06:18 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Agreed Alison! 13:08:12 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Also I'd really like to promote Idea Exchange: https://ideas.iii.com/ 13:08:23 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: It's been fantastic to see so much input coming in regarding the new products. 13:10:49 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: We will be sure to have this posted on the IUG Forum: https://forum.innovativeusers.org/ 13:16:29 From Eric Young to Everyone: Looking forward to the Promote Web webinar next week :) 13:16:42 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Reacted to "Looking forward to t..." with ❤️ 13:19:45 From Victor Zuniga to Everyone: Looking forward to the integration between Promote Web and Vega. I'd interested to see some use of the Reading history as a way to recommend titles to patrons via the library website (wix). 13:20:12 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Exactly Victor! 13:20:22 From Victor Zuniga to Everyone: Reacted to "Exactly Victor!" with ❤️ 13:20:30 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: That's what we are most excited about. Customer integration directly on the homepage of our library. 13:21:29 From Katie LeBlanc to IUG Steering Committee(Direct Message): Custom Domain for Premium was available in April? 13:21:32 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Where will those series search results be pulling from? 13:22:09 From Victor Zuniga to Everyone: Any plans to streamline the display of results via Vega and/or Promote web interface? Currently, Encore only provides an external link to the Inn-Reach central server. 13:22:16 From Bill Taylor to Everyone: What are the planned roll up improvements? 13:22:40 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Reacted to "What are the planned..." with 👍🏻 13:24:04 From Trevor Diamond to Everyone: Did the series field change with RDA? 13:24:05 From Matt Hammermeister to Everyone: For series, I was told 8xx first then 490s 13:24:11 From Eric Young to Everyone: I recall learning that "Custom Domain" was available during IUG in May. 13:24:13 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Coming from the MARC field is satisfactory information for me. I assume it would be the 490 tag 13:24:28 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: Reacted to "Coming from the MARC..." with 👍🏻 13:24:31 From Sarah Kasprzak to Everyone: we are still waiting for 830 to be indexed! 13:24:48 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Reacted to "we are still waiting..." with 👍🏻 13:26:19 From Trevor Diamond to Everyone: If the 830 isn't indexed at all, then the series must be coming from 490? 13:27:15 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Thanks for not forgetting the video game bug. :) 13:27:26 From Lauren Schaefer to Everyone: Reacted to "Thanks for not forge..." with 👍 13:27:28 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Reacted to "Thanks for not forge..." with ❤️ 13:28:01 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Yes please! Rollup changes on our own would be AMAZING 13:28:15 From Bill Taylor to Everyone: Yes, yes, yes! 13:28:21 From Nicole Turzillo to Everyone: Reacted to "Thanks for not forge..." with 👍 13:29:01 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: (lots of rollup issues with uniform titles; preferencing the 245 will help a ton) 13:29:04 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: That's great about the rollup/uniform title fix. We had a problem with manga series, if I recall, so we had to remove the uniform title to fix 13:29:10 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Reacted to "That's great about t..." with 👍🏻 13:29:12 From Trevor Diamond to Everyone: No I cannot. I am not a cataloger either. It was all part of the series discussion 13:29:50 From Martha Sanders to Everyone: RDA did not significantly change recording the series. 13:30:07 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: If it is possible to get any time or ETA on the uniform title rollup preference fixes? I'll even take a quarter rather than a month. 13:32:12 From Trevor Diamond to Everyone: Isn't that status sync something that might be fixed in future developments? 13:33:04 From Martha Sanders to Everyone: There was a change 20ish years ago to MARC that predicated the use of 440 fields and instead use 490/830 fields. Many libraries still use 440 fields and I an not sure if Vega uses 440 fields. 13:35:11 From Martha Sanders to Everyone: The article on Vega search indexes in Supportal lists the MARC fields used for series: as 490 $a and 830 $a (830$a is only indexed if 490$a is also present) and 800 $t 13:37:41 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Thanks Martha! I'll be sure to save this chat and share it on the forum 13:38:36 From Sarah Kasprzak to Everyone: For Advanced Search, is there any movement on improving the display on Vega? 13:38:46 From Sarah Kasprzak to Everyone: on mobile, not vega 13:39:53 From Eric Young to Everyone: We jumped on for Grid View beta, loving it! 13:40:29 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Nice Eric! I'll have to sign up after this. 13:40:42 From Martha Sanders to Everyone: Reacted to "Thanks Martha! I'll ..." with 👍 13:41:18 From Martha Sanders to IUG Steering Committee(Direct Message): I've signed up for the Cataloging forum and will be attending it, too. 13:41:53 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Agree with Derek. That would be great. 13:42:17 From Stephanie Ruhe to Everyone: Also agree with Derek - we'd like to see that too. 13:42:27 From Sundari Kishore to Everyone: Agree. That would be very helpful. 13:42:32 From Sarah Kasprzak to Everyone: We've been removing those (Hoopla, Overdrive) from our MARC records to improve this. 13:42:41 From Eric Young to Everyone: Reacted to "Agree. That would be..." with 👍 13:42:46 From Eric Young to Everyone: Reacted to "Also agree with Dere..." with 👍 13:42:46 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: Can't you exclude OverDrive, etc., as people already? It's somewhere in Vega admin, I can't remember, but I had to remove OverDrive as a person 13:44:01 From Eric Young to Everyone: Replying to "Can't you exclude Ov..." We did the same, Overdrive and Hoopla under people... 13:44:03 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: Why can I not find this 13:44:26 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: I see it, it's under Suppressed items 13:44:40 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: Showcases is where it falls under (don't remember that part) 13:44:57 From IUG Steering Committee to Martha Sanders(Direct Message): https://rhpl.na3.iiivega.com/staff/showcases/suppressed-items 13:45:00 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: So I may be wrong, maybe it was only removal from showcases vs. results 13:45:04 From IUG Steering Committee to Martha Sanders(Direct Message): insert your information there 13:45:11 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: https://rhpl.na3.iiivega.com/staff/showcases/suppressed-items 13:45:28 From Eric Young to Everyone: "Showcases > Suppressed Items 13:45:37 From Eric Young to Everyone: Reacted to "https://rhpl.na3.iii..." with 👍 13:46:31 From Kathryn Brew to Everyone: Replying to "So I may be wrong, m..." I think that's right. Would be nice for facets too. 13:46:32 From Sarah Kasprzak to Everyone: I recommend grid view to patrons that are complaining about scrolling all the time! 13:46:33 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Wouldn't suppress url hide all overdrive items... we don't want to do that 13:46:43 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: We would just not want it to hide under persons. 13:47:01 From Lauren Schaefer to Everyone: Reacted to "I recommend grid vie..." with ❤️ 13:47:15 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Reacted to "I recommend grid vie..." with ❤️ 13:47:19 From Eric Young to Everyone: Replying to "Wouldn't suppress ur..." No, just the "showcase" specific to the "Person" showcase. 13:47:34 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: I just suppressed as an agent in the showcases (again, my memory is fuzzy) 13:47:57 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Replying to "Wouldn't suppress ur..." Ahhh that's just one showcase... i'm talking for all search. 13:48:18 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Replying to "Wouldn't suppress ur..." If you put it in the Idea Exchange I'll vote on it. :) 13:48:22 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Herm... I think I'm talking WAY more broadly. I want to hide overdrive persons under a * search 13:48:23 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: Replying to "Wouldn't suppress ur..." Yeah, that would be great. Sorry, false alarm 13:48:53 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: https://rhpl.na3.iiivega.com/search?query=*&searchType=everything&pageSize=10&agentIds=86e5e9ca-a10b-11ed-8764-bd78eedf9109&pageNum=0 13:48:57 From Eric Young to Everyone: Replying to "Herm... I think I'm ..." I am curious, lets link up after. 13:49:06 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: This... 49000+ overdrive persons 13:50:05 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: More consortium support? Granular admin settings? Hopefully in 2024? 13:50:12 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Reacted to "More consortium supp..." with ❤️ 13:50:18 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: I was just going to touch on admin settings 13:50:28 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: I believe there is an idea out there about excluding things from search results (vs. just selecting). I remember voting on it. This would apply in this case for sure. 13:50:35 From Eric Young to Everyone: Replying to "This... 49000+ overd..." ah, I see now. Yeah, no the suppress does not handle this. 13:51:05 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: Reacted to "More consortium supp..." with 👍🏻 13:51:17 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: THAT WILL BE AMAZING!!!!!! I can't tell you how exciting that is for us. 13:51:37 From Eric Young to IUG Steering Committee(Direct Message): Time warning, 7 minutes left... 13:52:34 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Reacted to "I believe there is a..." with ❤️ 13:52:38 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Replying to "I believe there is a..." Ill check! 13:52:44 From IUG Steering Committee to Eric Young(Direct Message): yuuuup 13:52:46 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Reacted to "Ill check!" with 👍🏻 13:52:49 From IUG Steering Committee to Eric Young(Direct Message): waiting till 5. 13:53:09 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Thanks Kat. :) 13:54:20 From Eric Young to Everyone: Is eSources "Target URL's" coming to Vega in the future? I tried to find the idea entry and looked at the roadmap. I think this is a PowerPAC required feature so for folks that want to dump PowerPAC and go Vega only, they cannot if they use eSources, until they exist in Vega. 13:54:41 From Katie LeBlanc to Everyone: Reacted to "Is eSources "Target ..." with 👍 13:55:25 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Remember everyone. IUG Forum Cataloging forums next month! https://www.innovativeusers.org/resources/monthly-iug-forum/ 13:55:52 From Eric Young to Everyone: Reacted to "Remember everyone. I..." with 👍 13:56:50 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Same eric. 13:56:55 From Elaine Sloan to Everyone: Resource entities, Eric? 13:57:09 From Nathaniel Burnard to Everyone: Have to jump for another meeting but wanted to say thank you, this was really great information. 13:57:17 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: https://rhpl.org/research-databases/ 13:57:42 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Reacted to "Is eSources "Target ..." with 👍 13:58:11 From IUG Steering Committee to Everyone: Reacted to "Have to jump for ano..." with ❤️ 13:59:35 From Eric Young to Everyone: Thank you so much Derek, Kat, and Toni! 13:59:48 From Sarah Kasprzak to Everyone: Thanks! 13:59:49 From Alison Pruntel to Everyone: Thank you so much, great job Derek! 13:59:51 From Katie LeBlanc to Everyone: Thank you 13:59:55 From Alison Hoffman to Everyone: Thank you! 14:00:02 From Nicole Turzillo to Everyone: Thank you