13:04:11 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: Iā€™m interested in hearing if anyone is thinking about linked data for their catalogue 13:04:29 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: Iā€™m also doing a profile clean-up! 13:05:49 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: We don't add them in, but we don't remove them when they are there from records we import from OCLC 13:06:51 From Merideth Willett To Everyone: We also don't add them in and don't remove them if they are there. 13:07:09 From Andrea Kappler To Everyone: Marcive will be adding $0 URIs to our bibliographic records with a database cleanup prior to our Polaris migration. I'm disappointed to see that they aren't even clickable links on the staff side, as they are in Sierra. Boy I'm really missing Sierra more and more every day! 13:07:29 From Mariko Kershaw To Everyone: Reacted to "We don't add them in..." with šŸ‘ 13:07:38 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Replying to "Marcive will be addi..." That's interesting, because we're hoping to move from Sierra to Polaris. 13:08:22 From Andrea Kappler To Everyone: Replying to "Marcive will be addi..." We've loaded sample bibliographic records into our training database and I'm really disappointed to see they're not actual links. What a disappointment! 13:09:03 From laura murff To Everyone: I have a question about deduplication rules. Do the rules only apply individually or as a set? For example, 001=035 and 245=245 matching are two rules applied; so does the dedup flag a record if all rules apply or only one of the rules? Using Polaris. 13:09:15 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: We have Backstage add the ā€”0 data with regular enhancement work. We're not using it now, but it is being added with the hope it will be useful in the future 13:10:10 From Andrea Kappler To Everyone: Replying to "Marcive will be addi..." Oh, and no, they aren't links in Leap either. šŸ˜” 13:10:14 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: We also use Backstage but haven't started adding the #0 data yet. 13:10:56 From Trevor D @ Main Library Alliance To Everyone: Two records must meet all the rules in at least one group to be potential duplicates. 13:13:17 From laura murff To Everyone: Deduplication of erecords has been causing problems 13:13:37 From Malani LaCoste To Everyone: We use Backstage also. 13:13:52 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Is there a way to determine when an import profile was created? Or when it was last used? I'd like to do cleanup of unused import profiles, but am not seeing much info 13:13:53 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: I didn't realize you could CREATE bib de-duplication rules in system admin. Oh, the possible solutions! 13:13:56 From Trevor D @ Main Library Alliance To Everyone: you could shorten that sentence to just "erecords have been causing problems" 13:14:10 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Reacted to "you could shorten th..." with šŸ‘šŸ» 13:14:16 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Replying to "Marcive will be addi..." That's good to know, thank you for sharing! I don't think I'm too worried about that for my library quite yet, but that's certainly something I'll want to keep an eye on in the future. 13:14:16 From laura murff To Everyone: Reacted to "Marcive will be addi..." with šŸ˜‚ 13:15:01 From Malani LaCoste To Everyone: Reacted to "you could shorten ..." with šŸ‘ 13:15:33 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "you could shorten th..." with šŸ‘šŸ» 13:15:43 From laura murff To Everyone: We get consortium and advantaged records in set together 13:16:11 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Reacted to "We get consortium an..." with šŸ‘šŸ» 13:16:30 From Brieanna Hoffman To Everyone: Reacted to "We get consortium an..." with šŸ‘šŸ» 13:16:32 From Brieanna Hoffman To Everyone: Removed a šŸ‘šŸ» reaction from "We get consortium an..." 13:16:50 From Andrea Kappler To Everyone: Is anyone importing MARC files of shelf ready bibliographic records from a vendor such as B&T? I'm concerned we'll have problems with additional item records being created during the import process, if we're also creating them during the order process. In Sierra, we never created item records when order records were created, so this wasn't a problem. All of the item records for shelf ready materials were created during import using 949 fields in the incoming bibliographic records. I have a terrible feeling we'll be creating lots of duplicate item records the first time we import a MARC file of shelf ready records from B&T. Any advice how this all works? 13:17:11 From laura murff To Everyone: The old overdrive don't always have matching 037 to the new ones. 13:18:30 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: When we started buying eBibliofile records for OverDrive titles, we had to work with them a lot to get them to stop sending (and trying to charge for) duplicate records in our consortial catalogue. 13:20:18 From Brittany Moore To Everyone: Replying to "Is anyone importing ..." Not exactly what you are asking but: When I import our order from Ingram I upload item (acquisition) records (pretty much just the title) and when we receive the order I import the marc records from OCLC. 13:20:40 From David Pimentel To Everyone: I'm curious whether there are different system settings/options for authority control--specifically around subdivided headings. We import the weekly Authority Update, but when a particular heading XYZ gets revised to XYZZ, we'd like to avoid manually updating all the variations with subdivisions, like XYZ--Fiction, or XYZ--History. 13:20:49 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: Re: import profile clean-up: in a consortium do you have profiles for each library or shared profiles? We currently have a mix. 13:21:47 From Ken Sawdon To Everyone: Replying to "Re: import profile c..." Mix as well. In need of a cleanup. 13:23:36 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Replying to "Re: import profile c..." Each library, and generally import profiles for multiple users at each library. 13:25:59 From Julie Haase To Everyone: Replying to "Re: import profile c..." Yes, you do. There's a lot of front-end setup 13:26:35 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Replying to "Re: import profile c..." Consortium here. We have a mix of 70+ import profiles, many were created *I think* by individual libraries during Polaris training 8 years ago. If they haven't been used since 2015, it would be great to delete them to make the list easier to navigate 13:27:20 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: My understanding is that once you get through the template set-up, it works really well. 13:27:42 From David Pimentel To Everyone: Reacted to "My understanding is ..." with šŸ‘ 13:27:59 From Beth Lane To Everyone: You are right, Eleanor. The setup was time-consuming but worth it. 13:28:10 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: The setup is brutal, but the time savings is TOTALLY worth it 13:28:43 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: Replying to "Re: import profile c..." Oh wow! I feel much better about our profiles! I do still really want to do some renaming. A lot of our profile names are in reference to the load profiles we used to use in Sierra. Not relevant to staff hired in the last 8 years. 13:29:39 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: I don't believe you can set up item templates in your training database and have it transfer to live. you have to do it in the live database anyway. 13:29:50 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: I remember working with a library acquaintance person who got really into the ideal granularity for the templates. It took ages, but then made item creation quick and painless. 13:30:19 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: *acquisitions not acquaintance 13:30:22 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: blerg 13:30:27 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Reacted to "blerg" with šŸ˜‚ 13:30:32 From Ken Sawdon To Everyone: Reacted to "blerg" with šŸ˜‚ 13:31:16 From Anna Kirby To Everyone: Reacted to "blerg" with šŸ˜‚ 13:31:26 From Eleanor Crumblehulme To Everyone: On that typo, I have to run. Thanks everyone! Happy cataloguing! 13:31:43 From Beth Lane To Everyone: Reacted to "On that typo, I have..." with šŸ‘ 13:31:45 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Reacted to "On that typo, I have..." with šŸ‘‹ 13:31:48 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "On that typo, I have..." with šŸ‘ 13:32:15 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: I have never found any automated way to update authority subdivisions. If there's a way I'd love to know about it. 13:32:30 From David Pimentel To Everyone: Reacted to "I have never found a..." with šŸ¤– 13:32:31 From Mariko Kershaw To Everyone: Reacted to "I have never found a..." with šŸ‘ 13:32:48 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: That would be awesome, Wes! 13:33:54 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "I have never found a..." with šŸ‘ 13:34:04 From Trevor D @ Main Library Alliance To Everyone: Replying to "I don't believe you ..." I can see this being an option if you're migrating to Polaris from something else. Then as a one time service III might copy/paste the templates into the production server (which staff can't access before go live, possibly). 13:34:17 From laura murff To Everyone: With the test server, does Polaris create the import report? 13:34:40 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: https://forum.innovativeusers.org/ 13:34:47 From Trevor D @ Main Library Alliance To Everyone: Replying to "With the test server..." IT should! 13:34:47 From Ken Sawdon To Everyone: Reacted to "On that typo, I have..." with šŸ‘‹ 13:37:52 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: select * from polaris.polaris.ImportProfiles ips where ips.ImportProfileID not in ( select 1 from polaris.polaris.ImportJobs ij where ij.ImportJobSubmittedDate > dateadd(day, 90, getdate()) ) 13:38:12 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "select * from polari..." with šŸ‘ 13:38:18 From David Pimentel To Everyone: Replying to "I'm curious whether ..." Since an automated solution seems not to exist, I'll happily take any tips or strategies folks use to deal with this work. šŸ˜€ 13:38:30 From Trevor D @ Main Library Alliance To Everyone: Replying to "I'm curious whether ..." SQL? 13:39:17 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Are there any changes people have made to their catalog records to make them rollup or not roll up in Vega? I'm specifically wondering about video games, and if this isn't the right place, that's fine. :) 13:39:28 From David Pimentel To Everyone: Reacted to "SQL?" with šŸ¤” 13:42:18 From Alison Hoffman To Everyone: For now we're adding the platform in a 245 $n to force the video games to break up - but it sounds as though Innovative is working on the logic behind video game rollups, so maybe there will be an alternative in the future. We're using $n in 245 fields to also break out things like VOX Books and Wonderbooks and Playaways because they currently all roll up under "Audio Book" here ... 13:43:18 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "For now we're adding..." with šŸ‘ 13:43:33 From Alison Hoffman To Everyone: We don't love the $n either - but it's relatively easy to batch change via MarcEdit - and then I can batch change back later if they improve the logic :-) 13:43:44 From Anna Kirby To Everyone: Reacted to "We don't love the $n..." with ā¤ļø 13:44:04 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: We used 245 $h for format (VOX, graphic novels, large print) but have stopped doing that 13:45:22 From laura murff To Everyone: We use 245 $s and series statements for consoles. 13:45:54 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: thanks everyone. :) 13:46:56 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Replying to "We use 245 $s and se..." I tested the subfield s in the Vega environment and having it in does not stop a rollup from happening. That was my first solution. :/ 13:48:51 From laura murff To Everyone: Replying to "We use 245 $s and se..." Thanks for letting me know! We are moving to Vega and thought the problem was solved:-( 13:50:01 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: I haven't heard about 072s showing up recently, but my initial reaction is that they aren't needed in our catalog 13:50:08 From David Pimentel To Everyone: For the Vega users out there: does the rollup display/function mean you can focus (say) 6XX headings to a single bib -- rather than duplicate the subject access points for every different format -- without having a negative impact on PAC retrieval? 13:50:23 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "I haven't heard abou..." with šŸ˜† 13:50:29 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Good job Beth! :D 13:50:31 From Ken Sawdon To Everyone: Reacted to "I haven't heard abou..." with šŸ˜† 13:50:34 From laura murff To Everyone: Reacted to "I haven't heard abou..." with šŸ‘ 13:50:48 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "Good job Beth! :D" with šŸ˜† 13:51:12 From Kayla Sanderson To Everyone: Replying to "I haven't heard abou..." Way to go, Prophet Beth! šŸ˜„ 13:51:26 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Reacted to "Way to go, Prophet B..." with šŸ‘šŸ» 13:52:00 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Replying to "I haven't heard abou..." Oh my...those 072s better not turn out to be super useful! 13:52:13 From Kayla Sanderson To Everyone: Reacted to "Oh my...those 072s b..." with šŸ˜„ 13:52:24 From Beth Lane To Everyone: Reacted to "Oh my...those 072s b..." with šŸ˜‚ 13:53:37 From David Pimentel To Everyone: Reacted to "Oh my...those 072s b..." with šŸ˜‚ 13:54:34 From Amy Stults To Everyone: I'd caution against degrading your cataloging just because of what Vega does or doesn't do. If you stop adding subject headings to your bibs and then your library decides to migrate to a different system, you may be kicking yourself. 13:55:04 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Can you force a roll-up with Vega? 13:55:14 From Andrea Kappler To Everyone: Reacted to "Can you force a roll..." with šŸ’Æ 13:55:17 From Andrea Kappler To Everyone: Removed a šŸ’Æ reaction from "Can you force a roll..." 13:55:30 From Julie Haase To Everyone: Reacted to "I'd caution against ..." with šŸ’Æ 13:55:31 From Matt Hammermeister To Everyone: Replying to "Can you force a roll..." Not yet, but at some point down the road it should be added 13:55:48 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "I'd caution against ..." with šŸ‘ 13:55:50 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Replying to "Can you force a roll..." Uh-oh... I do a lot of force merging with our current product, Pika, and we're moving to Vega. 13:56:02 From David Pimentel To Everyone: Reacted to "I'd caution against ..." with šŸ˜© 13:56:45 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Replying to "Can you force a roll..." We only have our print items in the ILS, we don't add Overdrive, Hoopla, or any other records 13:56:45 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Replying to "Can you force a roll..." yeah. It's not possible to force a rollup, but you can fix obvious problems with punctuation changes in some cases. 13:57:06 From Kayla Sanderson To Everyone: Half of our Harry Potters didn't roll up because the authority for J.K. Rowling were either Rowling, J. K. or Rowling, J.K. - space doesn't matter for indexing, but did for roll ups. It took me a good 10 minutes to figure out what the difference was between the two. 13:58:01 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Replying to "Can you force a roll..." Well this might be a problem for us when we migrate our system from Pika to Vega, so thank you all for letting me know 13:58:45 From Kurt Boss To Everyone: There's clustering tools in MarcEdit or there's OpenRefine to look for some of this. 13:58:54 From Aaron Smith To Everyone: In a way, Vega roll-ups demand title authority control ... 13:59:01 From laura murff To Everyone: Do the roll ups work for names with dates and those without dates? 13:59:08 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: While there SHOULD be strict rules, the new rules for RDA have gotten less prescriptive, particularly for punctuation. 13:59:19 From Julie Haase To Everyone: Reacted to "In a way, Vega roll-..." with šŸ˜‚ 13:59:28 From Julie Haase To Everyone: Reacted to "While there SHOULD b..." with šŸ‘ 13:59:44 From Matt Hammermeister To Everyone: Your point is correct in theory, Trevor. But the most problematic rollups are econtent records where they're just created with publisher data 13:59:45 From Amy Stults To Everyone: Reacted to "Your point is correc..." with šŸ‘ 13:59:54 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Reacted to "Your point is correc..." with šŸ‘ 13:59:58 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Also, warning: Vega controls on the UNIFORM title, so if you have uniform titles for things like manga without the number in the 240, you will have problems 14:00:06 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: Replying to "Your point is correc..." Yes, that's been my problem. 14:00:17 From Maya Espersen To Everyone: HAve to run, but thank you all so much! This has been very informative. 14:00:19 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: Replying to "Your point is correc..." Exactly 14:00:20 From Anna Kirby To Everyone: Reacted to "Your point is correc..." with šŸ‘ 14:00:30 From Kayla Sanderson To Everyone: Replying to "Also, warning: Vega ..." Another fun discovery for us, too! 14:00:33 From Anna Kirby To Everyone: Reacted to "While there SHOULD b..." with šŸ‘ 14:00:38 From Amy Stults To Everyone: Reacted to "Your point is correc..." with šŸ’Æ 14:00:51 From David Pimentel To Everyone: Reacted to "While there SHOULD b..." with šŸ‘ 14:01:01 From Elaine Sloan To Everyone: have to run as well--thanks everyone! 14:01:20 From laura murff To Everyone: Do the roll ups work for names with dates and those without dates? 14:03:14 From Stephen Hodder To Everyone: Component is a supplemental, I believe. A feature in a periodical? 14:03:42 From Merideth Willett To Everyone: We are too Amy 14:03:47 From David Pimentel To Everyone: from LoC: "Example of a serial component part with corresponding host item is a regularly appearing column or feature in a periodical." 14:03:58 From Stephanie Bertin To Everyone: From 14:04:01 From Stephanie Bertin To Everyone: An example of a serial component part with corresponding host item is a regularly appearing column or feature in a periodical. 14:04:06 From Stephanie Bertin To Everyone: https://www.itsmarc.com/crs/mergedprojects/helptop1/helptop1/definitions/definition_serial_component_part.htm 14:04:48 From Stephanie Bertin To Everyone: I would doubt most public libraries would every use that. Maybe academic or archives would 14:04:49 From Trevor D @ Main Library Alliance To Everyone: Replying to "Component is a suppl..." OK. We use Aspen and serial records (like for test prep and travel guides) have problems with holds because of the Polaris API and the fact we don't use the serials module. We are now in the process of converting serial records to monograph records so patrons will be able to request the 2023 Fodor's Italy (for example) 14:05:10 From Alison Hoffman To Everyone: We are considering deleting them from manga - but Innovative recently said they are reevaluating their title rollup logic and *might* flip the priority between 130/240 and 245 ā€¦ 14:06:02 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: https://ideas.iii.com/ 14:06:15 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: https://portal.productboard.com/iii/15-vega-product-portal/tabs/64-discover 14:06:41 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Reacted to "I would doubt most p..." with šŸ‘ 14:06:50 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: https://portal.productboard.com/iii/15-vega-product-portal/c/652-improve-maintitle-logic-for-rollups?utm_medium=social&utm_source=portal_share 14:07:43 From Kurt Boss To Everyone: My understanding of a serial component is for creating a record for added component that's not part of the serial. It could be an outside organization creating an annual index. I haven't given serial cataloging too much focus because Polaris does not really support serials enough. 14:07:53 From Aaron Smith To Everyone: Replying to "I would doubt most p..." The problem is for those of us who host both popular and archival/special collections ā€¦ we use uniform titles heavily and critically. 14:07:58 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: https://ideas.iii.com/forums/951766-vega-discover/suggestions/46691467-ability-to-create-custom-rollup-rules 14:08:12 From Amy Stults To Everyone: Reacted to "I would doubt most p..." with šŸ‘ 14:08:25 From Amy Stults To Everyone: Reacted to "The problem is for t..." with šŸ‘ 14:08:54 From Kurt Boss To Everyone: As far as I know, Polaris doesn't really support serials to begin with 14:09:36 From Kurt Boss To Everyone: but the holdings tags in marc 14:09:36 From Amy Stults To Everyone: Replying to "I would doubt most p..." Exactly. I don't want to wipe out our uniform titles just because Vega doesn't know what to do with them. 14:09:53 From Merideth Willett To Everyone: Replying to "I would doubt most p..." I agree! 14:10:55 From Kurt Boss To Everyone: Replying to "I would doubt most p..." Can you extract serial holdings back to into marc? 14:14:32 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: https://forum.innovativeusers.org/ 14:14:40 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: https://innovativeusers.org/newsletter 14:14:47 From Kurt Boss To Everyone: I think you need to have an item record linked to the serial holding if you use simply report, but thank you. I still need to work with out systems librarian to set up the z39 for marcedit. Thank you 14:14:58 From Wes Osborn (CLC) To Everyone: https://www.innovativeusers.org/resources/iug-discord/ 14:15:36 From Aaron Smith To Everyone: Replying to "I think you need to ..." Good heads-up on the MARCedit set-up, Kurt! 14:16:40 From Stephen Hodder To Everyone: Replying to "Component is a suppl..." I think that's the way to go, Trevor. Circumvent whatever issue is occurring. Tracking easily damaged/free tack on materials isn't enough of a reason to lean into an error causing process. 14:17:29 From Beth Lane To Everyone: Reacted to "I think that's the w..." with šŸ‘ 14:17:45 From Stephen Hodder To Everyone: Replying to "I think you need to ..." Thanks for your time, Wes! This was great! 14:17:45 From Beth Lane To Everyone: Thanks, everyone. Very informative. 14:17:56 From Beth Bechtel To Everyone: Thank you so much, everyone! This has been really useful. 14:17:58 From Ken Sawdon To Everyone: Thanks! 14:18:01 From Shannon Cole To Everyone: Replying to "I think you need to ..." Thank you! 14:18:02 From Aaron Smith To Everyone: Thanks, Wes! 14:18:09 From Alison Hoffman To Everyone: Thanks! 14:18:09 From Brieanna Hoffman To Everyone: Thank you! 14:18:24 From David Pimentel To Everyone: Thanks!