# purchase alerts init use strict; # Loop through sets of parameters; for each, run other perl script, passing a parameter to them # that contains a part of the filename that will be created, the bib loc, and the mat type(s) # separated by hyphens. # They hyphens will be changed to pipes in the other script; when I put the pipes in this script # it wouldn't work. my $parameter; my @parameters = ( "Adult_Fiction,afic,a-w", "Adult_Large_Print,anon-afic,x", "Adult_Nonfiction,anon,a-w", "Adult_Audiobooks,av,y-4", "Adult_DVDs_and_Blu-rays,av,1-g", "Adult_CDs,av,i", # "Adult_Other,,2-3-6-m-p", "Teen,ya,", "Children,j,", # "Children_Books,j,a-w", # "Children_DVDs_and_Blu-rays,j,1-g", # "Children_CDs,j,i", # "Children_Other,j,2-3-6-m-p" ); foreach $parameter(@parameters) { system("c:\\scripts\\purchase-alerts.pl $parameter"); };